
All manuals on this page can be searched by pressing Ctrl-F or ⌘-F, and then typing in your relevant search term.

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Engine Maintenance Manuals

Engine Maintenance Manual JEM0002-11 (Revision 11, 25 October, 2021)
J5100 Engine Maintenance Manual  JEM5101-4 (Revision 4, September  2020)
Generation 4 Engine Maintenance Manual  JEM0005-7 (Revision 7,  Jan 2023)

Engine Overhaul Manuals

Generation 4 2200 / 3300 Overhaul Assembly and Parts Book JEM0004-11 (Revision 11, 23 January 2023)
2200 / 3300 Overhaul Manual JEM0001-23 (Revision 23,  May 2021)

Regulator Instructions 

Jabiru Regulator Instructions

Cold Start Installation

Cold Start Installation Instructions

Cold Starting Checklist

Maintenance Persons Information

Summary of Significant Engine Changes
Click Here for Procedure for Cylinder Head Modification for CHT Sensor Installation
Click here for Generation 4 Engine Ram-Air Ducts Installation

Troubleshooting Strobe Systems

Trouble Shooting Strobe Systems

Engine Installation Manuals

J2200 Engine Installation Manual (Revision 11 March 2020)
J3300 Engine Installation Manual (Revision 9 March 2020)

J5100 Engine Installation Manual (Revision 1 June 2009)

J2200 & J3300 Engine (Gen 4) Installation Manual (Revision 3, April 2022)


Engine Parts Book

J2200 Hydraulic Lifter Engine
J2200 Roller Cam Hydraulic Lifter Engine
J2200 Solid Lifter Engine
J3300 Hydraulic Engine
J3300 Roller Cam Hydraulic Lifter Engine
J3300 Solid Lifter Engine
J5100 Solid Lifter Engine

Propeller Technical Manual 

Propeller Technical Manual Issue 5 11th August 2022
2200 and 3300 Jabiru Scimitar Propeller Manual Revision 7, November 5 2022


Aircraft Technical Manuals

J120, J160/170, J230 Aircraft Technical Manual Revision 12,  Jan 18 2023

Pilot Operating Handbook


Standard Wiring Practices

Wiring Diagram All Models

Tail Pipe Fitting into Muffler Body for Non-Jabiru Airframes

Tail Pipe Fitting

Throttle Cable Kit

Throttle Cable Kit

Airframe Constructors Manual

Welcome to the Constructors Manual page!

In these Manuals you will find all the instructions that you will need to build your very own Jabiru, one step or task at a time. Each task in these Manuals stands alone, with the intention that each task will be completed before you move on to the next task. There are many good reasons for this approach: you can easily keep track of where you are in the build; it forms a checklist to ensure that nothing gets overlooked; and in many cases a task will be dependant on the completion of a previous task and if the sequence shown in the Table of Contents is followed there will be no issues of this kind.

The Table of Contents of this Manual is also the Build Sequence.

The Constructors Manual is being written and updated on a continuous basis and the information on this page will be regularly updated. In all cases the version of each task or Manual is the date in the footer, where the latest date is the current version, so if you have downloaded a task and you want to check if there has been an update just check the date in the footer.

There are 6 model-specific Constructors Manuals listed below. They are reasonably large (~25MB) .pdf files that have been optimised for fast web viewing: click on them to view or download. Each Manual has a linked Table of Contents (ToC): click on any heading in the ToC to go directly to that task – this is a standard navigation feature in pdf files

If you only want a specific task and don’t want to view or download the model-specific files, then below the Constructors Manuals are all the individual tasks in the Constructors Manual, listed in the correct build sequence, all of which are small .pdf files of between 4 and 8 pages. Click on any task to view or download.

Model identification for the individual files: “J100” denotes J160 and J170, “J2400” denotes J230, J250, J430 and J450. “J2430” denotes J230 and J430, “J2450” denotes J250 and J450 and so on. “JALL” denotes all “J” series aircraft.

Regardless of which tasks you choose to view, we recommend that you start by reading the General Introduction before proceeding to the individual tasks. This contains important information and should be read thoroughly before and during your build.

Jabiru J160 Construction Manual March 2015
Jabiru J170 Construction Manual March 2015 See individual sections below for updates
Jabiru J230 Construction Manual  April 2014  See individual sections below for updates
Jabiru J430 Construction Manual April 2010 See individual sections below for updates
Jabiru J250 Construction Manual April 2010 
Jabiru J450 Construction Manual April 2010 

Build Sequence for Kit Aircraft

Preface JALL  July 2021

Table of Contents JALL (place saver)

General Introduction JALL  Nov 2021

Underbody penetrations_J2400  Oct 2022
Fit ventral fin and trim horn_JALL  July 2021
Prepare fuselage_J100 July 2017
Prepare fuselage_J2400 Nov 2021
Undercarriage_Assemble main wheels_JALL  Oct 2021
Undercarriage Assemble main gear & brakes JAll Sep 2022
Undercarriage_Fit main gear JALL Oct 2021
Pre-Paint>Fuselage>Firewall Forward
Fit firewall_JALL Nov 2021

Firewall fittings_J100

Firewall fittings_ J170_J2400 Oct 2022 

Fuel Pump fittings_JAll Nov 2021 
Assemble and fit nose gear_J100
Assemble and fit nose gear_J2400 Nov 2021

Fit windscreen_JALL  April 2014

Fit engine and mount_J100

Fit engine and mount_J2400 July 2021
Fit control cables and lines_J100
Fit control cables and lines_J2400 Nov 2021
Fit vertical tail fin J100
Fit vertical NACA0012 tail fin J2400 Nov 2021
Fit elevator J160 Jul 2017
Fit elevator_J170_2400 November 2021
Fit horizontal stabiliser_J100 April 2019
Fit horizontal stabiliser J1702400 Nov 2021
Fit Rudder J100 Jul 2017
Fit Rudder J2400 Jul 2017
Fit ram air cooling ducts_J2400 Nov 2021
Fit ram air cooling ducts_J100
Fit oil cooler J100
Fit oil cooler J2400 Nov 2021
Fit cowling_J100
Fit cowling_J2400  Nov 2021
Fit flap drive shaft mounts_JALL
Console – Pre-Fit Handbrake_JALL
Console – Pre-Fit Trim Control_JALL
Console – Fit Control Stick_JALL
Fit Rudder Pedal Mount Blocks_JALL
Fit aileron cable brackets J100
Fit aileron cable brackets J2400
Fuel System_J100

Fuel System_J2400 Jun 2023

Fit seatbelt anchors_J100
Fit seatbelt anchors_J200 Oct 2022
Fit seatbelt anchors_J400
Fit rear seat_J400
Pre-fit doors_J100
Pre-fit doors_J2400
Fit door gutters_J2400
Fit windows_JALL
Wheel Alignment_JALL
Pre-Fit wheel spats_JALL
Fit fuel tank filler body_J100_2430
Fit fuel tank filler body J2450
Prepare wing root J160
Prepare wing root J170
Prepare wing root J2430
Prepare wing root J2450
Cut aileron cable inspection opening_JALL
Fit quick drain sumps J160
Fit quick drain sumps J170 J2430
Fit quick drain sumps J2450
Mount flaps_J100
Mount flaps_J2430
Mount flaps J2450
Fit Wing tips_J160
Fit Wing tips_J170_J2430 (deleted section – Jun 2024)

Fit Wing tips J2450

Fit Z-spar ailerons J1702400 Sep 2022

Fit C-channel Ailerons J1602400

Fit Ailerons J170
Fit pitot tube to strut JALL
Fit vibration damper to strut J1702400
Test Fit Wings JALL
Painting JALL
General JALL
Fit Panel Mounted Throttle JALL Nov 2021
Assemble Instrument Panel JALL
Electrical Wiring Diagrams JALL
Fit Upholstery JALL
Install Electrical Wiring JALL
Fit console controls J160
Fit console controls J1702400
 Fit rudder pedals J100
Fit rudder pedals J160
Fit rudder pedals J170
Fit rudder pedals J2400
Fit flap drive motor J100
Fit flap drive motor_J2400  Nov 2021
Fit instrument panel housing JALL
Fit instrument panel JALL
Fit upholstery J100
Fit upholstery J200
Fit upholstery J400
Fit rudder and elevator J160
Fit rudder and elevator J1702400
Fit doors J100
Fit doors J2400
Firewall Forward
Engine Control Cabling J100
Engine Control Cabling J2400
Fit Propeller and Spinner Composite JALL
Fit propeller and spinner Wooden_JALL
Connect cabin heater JALL
Fit Wheel Spats JALL
Install Aileron Cables J160
Install Aileron Cables J2430
Install Aileron Cables J2450
Fit Stall Warning J100
Fit Stall Warning J2400
Prepare wings for fitting J160
Prepare wings for fitting J170
Prepare wings for fitting J2430
Prepare wings for fitting J2450
Fit Wings JALL
Connect ailerons JALL
Connect wing tanks J100
Connect wing tanks J2400
Fit flaps J100
Fit flaps J2400
Fit fairings J100
Fit fairings J2400
General JALL
Weight and Balance J100
Weight and Balance J2400
Rigging Check JALL
Calibrate Fuel Gauges JALL
Fit Registration Marks JALL
Final Inspection Checklist J160
_Final Inspection Checklist J1702400
Flight Testing JALL
Flight Testing Forms JALL
Troubleshooting VHF Noises JALL