Jabiru Support
Joined: Jun 25, 2020
Last seen: Sep 2, 2024
Topics: 1 / Replies: 202
RE: Distributor cap

Hello Olav, I believe we discussed this via email. It seems there was a problem with the springs in the cap.

4 years ago
RE: Early 3300 normal and maximum EGT

Hello Toby, The limit in our australian manuals is 720C, however we tune the engine so that 700C is not exceeded at full power and 720 max in cruis...

4 years ago
RE: 2200B high EGT/CHT

Hello Gtypas, If you haven't solved your problem yet, can you tell us what aircraft you have the engine in? Also is this a new engine installation ...

4 years ago
RE: Gen 4 3300 low oil pressure with hot oil and low RPM

Hello Sonex1517, Sorry to hear of your problems. The causes of this could be difficult to find. The best option is to contact us here via email - ...

4 years ago

Hello Alan, Yes, your engine can use mogas, all jabiru engines can. See 'JSL007-7 Alcohol Lead Compression Ratio Fuel Guidance' under support and ...

4 years ago
RE: Undercarriage wheel alignment.

Hello Kjell, You can attach a file at the bottom of the reply screen. Simply put you align the wheels by packing the stub axle to undercarriage ...

4 years ago
RE: Aileron control cable maintenance

Hello, The push pull cables that are used on Jabirus can't be disassembled. The plastic lining inside provides the lubrication. If they are exce...

4 years ago
RE: Rudder Flutter

Hello Seanmcnally, Yes balancing the rudder would be the first and main thing to do. Support.

4 years ago
RE: Epoxy glue on window

Hello Max, I would try a scraper made of acrylic. It is difficult as, obviously, it sticks quite well to the acrylic.

4 years ago
RE: Bushwheels

Hello Heath, We don't know of any larger wheels nose wheels for the Jabiru. Support.

4 years ago
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