2200B high EGT/CHT
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2200B high EGT/CHT

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My engine's S.N is 22B 141

The problem is that in RPM range from 2600 to 2800 EGT and CHT are running high. Especialy  No 1 EGT would go out of limmits as 770+ Celcius high. CHT will be No 1&2 around 160-165 C and No 3&4 around 140-145 C. Should i use a different needle jet to make the mixture richer? 

Those prices for EGT/CHT are from an MGL instrument i recently installed. The strange thing is that Jabiru's original spark plug CHT transmiter on No4 cylinder never indicate more than 220 F !!!

I have a video file but i cant find any way to upload it here so i hope this "google drive" link will work. Flight conditions are :

one person on board, 40 liters of fuel, straight and level flight at 1500 feet, 25 degrees celcius and 40-50% humidity

https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KgJ-M0GsOgxufehYU8A4j4At27NF0zWF/view?usp%3Dsharing&source=gmail&ust=1594144465292000&usg=AFQjCNHNsZpwV4HI4RKN2KqiRo77Yvx8r A"> https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KgJ-M0GsOgxufehYU8A4j4At27NF0zWF/view?usp=sharing

Thank you.





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Joined: 4 years ago
Posts: 200

Hello Gtypas,

If you haven't solved your problem yet, can you tell us what aircraft you have the engine in?  Also is this a new engine installation or you have just installed monitoring on all cylinders.  

One thing that comes to mind is to check that no ram pressure is applied to the air intake.  This can cause the carburetor to lean uncontrollably.  

I can't explain the difference in Cht measurements on cylinder 4 with out seeing the probe positions.  Files can be attached below reply box.
