TBO for early 2200 ...
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TBO for early 2200 engine

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I am evaluating a Jabiru UL, equipped with a 2200 engine (22A289), with 810h (airframe and engine). I am not sure of the TBO for this engine, because I think there is some contradicting information on service documentation:

Service Bulletin JSB 001-1 says 2200 engines from serial number 711 onwards can have a top-end overhaul at 1000h, and a full overhaul at 2000h, while earlier serial numbers should have a full overhaul at 1000h.

However, the last edition of the Overhaul Manual (JEM0001-23) section 2.3 says the manual applies to all 2200 and 3300 engine models and variants, and section 2.8 states top-end overhaul at 1000h and full overhaul at 2000h, with no mention of serial number differences.

Which is the correct engine life for this serial number?



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Hello Carlos,

First thing can you check the engine number and make sure it doesn't start with 22B or 22J? Our records indicate that any 2200 engine made in 2004 should be above S/No 1700.  

Although the manual states the TBO it isn't clear, the Service Bulletin should be followed.  Also regardless of the official maximum TBO for the engine in the plane when it is reaches this calendar age TBO is basically on condition  with 1000hr being the maximum (top end or full).


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Engine number reported by the seller is 22A289. I have to admit this number looked too low for me, comparing with other posts and reports, but as I did not have official info on year/serial relation, it was hard to tell.

The plane was built in 2007 so it is possible the number is not correct. Either that, or it was fitted with an older engine. It is amateur built (this is how experimental is called in Spain) so it could be. I have scheduled a visit it 2 days' time so I will make sure I check the serial on the engine itself.

In any case, my question is answered and the information is very useful. Thanks!

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Ok thats great.  I would also take note of the airframe serial number and take some picture of the aircraft so that, if neccessary, you can send them to us for identification.  We have had a couple of enquiries about Jabiru's in spain in the last year where the name of the model on the paperwork had got confused. 
