Cold start ignition...
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Cold start ignition (slow crank speed)

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Hi, have fitted the Jabiru electronic start ignition system (# 33A2270) and now experience kick back whilst cranking.

Only fitted it for the start when maybe the crank speed is low, battery down or very cold.

I have disconnected it to prevent starter or flywheel bolt damage for now but would like it operating.

The electronic timing is too much advanced, can this be altered??

Daryl   ZK-JAD

New Zealand



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The only means of changing the timing of the cold start is to bend/twist the tag that the timing sensor mounts on.  Bend the tab so that the tip of the sender moves away from coil (or in direction of motion of the flywheel).

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Yes, have already done that as far as possible but comes up against the alternator spider mount leg, not as bad but still occurs.

Thanks for the reply.

