J230C Doors not flu...
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J230C Doors not flush with fuselage

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Edge of door around door latch. Door pulls flush at the latch bolt.


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Buying new door seal material will help, assuming you guys stock it but it won't fill the gap unless the door can be reformed or extra D seal is added on around the door opening.

Putting another run of D seal around the door jamb hasn't been satisfactory to date and probably made it worse.



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The week before easter was a bit busy.

The door jam in the J230 is screwed and siliconed to the door frame.  If you take the screws out of the lower door jam it may move in naturally or you can move it in and then see how the lower  fits.  Make sure the door is unlatched when doing this as the latch can effect the fit.  If lower door jam moves in by more than one screw hole diameter you can drill new holes and screw the door jam in the new position.  

If you do move the lower door jam it is likely you will need to move the door latch block on the door frame too.  If it is too far out it will act as pivot making either the top or the bottom stick out.  

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Thanks for the reply, I haven't done any more to it, looking at the door latch block it will have to move too.. much to ponder lol 

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