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Older Jabiru Engines

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Hello All, 


I recently acquired an older 3300A (serial number 288) without any log books. The engine is in great shape with only 100 hours on it (sitting for about a year), but without logs, I am not sure where to start with upgrades or if it is worth the work. Obviously, I am going to go over all the service bulletins/AD's,  yet I'd like some guidance as to where I should proceed from there. I already read the other forum post  https://jabiru.net.au/community/engines/new-3300-that-is-13-years-old-what-to-upgrade/ but would like some more specifics. I understand this is a vague topic but any input would be extremely appreciated. 


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"Specific upgrades" kind of depends on your aims for the engine.  If you're happy to tinker, then there's nothing really mandatory in the way of configuration changes - and the Service bulletins/letters etc will tell you what needs watching in routine maintenance; used kindly older engines like that can run strongly indefinitely, upgrading parts "on condition".  On the other hand, if you're planning a non-stop solo flight across the Atlantic then it's a different story...! Was there any particular mod you were curious about?

That said, an EMS would be not a bad start from a generic point of view - it would let you keep a closer eye on things and potentially spot issues while they're still minor.



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Thanks Doug,


I already have an EMS setup. From reading about the engine online, I guess my biggest worry is overheating in the rear cylinders. Any thoughts on the Rotec heads and EFI? 

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I have a 3300A sn 962. Bought it new in 2002 and have had it in preservative oil until Nov of last year when I first started it prior to the first flight of my Europa XS. It has been quick start and strong running since then. One of the issues that needs to be addressed during your install is the cooling. Too many owners have their engines overheat just on taxi because they have not addressed this issue.  There are several write-ups on this that you should look at. Other then that, I would install it and run it before you start thinking of what you need to change.

Mike Duane

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I've not had anything directly to do with the Rotec heads... because I've always been able to get the air cooled setup to work ok, which is an answer of itself I suppose.

Equally I've not played with an engine running EFI but - in theory - EFI is a very good thing, provided the reliability in the EFI system is there.

I think Mike and I are on the same page here 🙂


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Hi Mike, Forgive me for being a bit lazy, but you mention "several write ups" on cooling that are worth reading, can you kindly point me at them?  A quick Google hasn't yet found them.  I'd also appreciate your experience: I also have a Europa XS with the 3300 engine that's suffering some cooling problems and I'd rather learn from others than re-invent the wheel!



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@tarnish7 Wanna talk about taking my time getting you a reply. My apologies as I have been doing more flying than reading. Was very tied up preparing for my first flight to Oshkosh 2019. It went very well and reminded me as to why I no longer tent camp.

I hope you have been able to resolve your cooling issues. The write ups I was referring come mainly from Bud Yerly at Custom Flight Creations near Tampa, Fl. He is a Europa expert if there ever was one. He has written several articles that you might find interesting.




Mike Duane
