Fuel leak inside wi...
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Fuel leak inside wing?

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Went to taxi, smelled fuel, and when I turned, fuel began pouring out of the wing root all over side of plane. I had parked plane at a pretty good incline, nose up, completely full of fuel the day of incident. I was able to siphon all the fuel out of the wing root and it's been dry since. I borescoped the cavity, and I see no stains or what appear to be holes. I also checked fuel filler to see if it was leaking between the skin and tank, and saw no issues, but re floxed anyway. Hoses are fine, fittings dry and not stained. I did however notice my fuel drain has blue Stain at the base coming out of the wing. What's odd is that it doesn't leak when it's partially full, which tells me it's not the drain, but this is only place I can see fuel getting into the wing. I have a bushing with some slop, can I pull the wing off and slosh it? ITS NEVER EVER RUN MOGAS OR ANYTHING CLOSE TO IT. AVGAS ONLY.

2007 Jabiru J250, SN 327

This topic was modified 2 years ago 2 times by LAJAB

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Yes is is possible to pull the wing of and re slosh it.  You need to be able to tip the wing around in all directions but it is possible. 

Availability of the sloshing compound depends on your location.

You have checked the most likely suspects for a leak. 

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I've removed the wing to repair bushings, I was told by my dealer to read the manual on instructions. Manual says to contact MFG. Can I please have a procedure to do this, as well as sealant to use for USA? I can get KREEM here. 

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Hello LAJAB,

The wing bush instructions are in the Tech manual JTM001-10 - section 5.23. However I think you are after the wing tank re-sloshing instructions.  If you send us and email at info@jabiru.net.au we'll get you some instructions.  And yes Kreem is what we would be suggesting you slosh it with.



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@jabiru-support I Emailed you on the 22nd. its the 25th. Please respond to me, I have the wings off the plane and very much want to put them back on!

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@lajab I have not received an email, I will look for it.
