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[Solved] 95 octane unleaded gasoline

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Good afternoon Doug:
I have a Jabiru 2200  22A3122. In Spain we use 95 octane unleaded gasoline.
We have read about problems induced by the lubrication of the valves and their seats.
What is your opinion about Castrol valvemaster type additives?



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Hi Fernando,

I happily use an additive in my old motorbike for valve protection, though I could not honestly say that I would know if it made any difference: I had zero failures before I started using it and now zero after!

 My personal opinion is that it's unlikely to cause any trouble, but I have no experience to say if it will improve valve/seat wear.  It's from a big company who should have done their homework but of course they were not thinking of aircraft engines when they developed it!  A good start would be to talk with people who have used it and see what they think.

Plus the issue we have with additives is that we don't know what effect they will have on other parts of the fuel system - the tank lining, flexible hoses etc - which is why we recommend people don't use them.

Best Regards,



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Thanks Doug

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Posted by: @fernandopda

Good afternoon Doug:
I have a Jabiru 2200  In Spain we use 95 octane unleaded gasoline.
We have read about problems induced by the lubrication of the valves and their seats.
What is your opinion about Castrol valvemaster type additives?



