Caps sparkplug give...
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Caps sparkplug give problems

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Thread transferred May 2018

Caps sparkplug give problems   2 years 6 months ago#83

·         michael neri

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Hi I'm Michael and I have a Jabiru 2200 number 22a2878 on a Biplane and in the last monthes I had some problems with the engine.
Sometimes the engine sputters and loses power in order of 100/300 rpm, in the mean time I found the always some spurkplug caps loose and black inside the caps,the engine never swiched of I always went back to the field.
The big problem is when happen in climbing after the start that power doesn't give me enough power to climb and is very dangerous.
We checked fuel flow of petrol and is ok,magnets are ok and fuel was always clean.
Now the only two ideas are the spark caps or the cable but Jabiru IT told me that cable and caps is not possible to be change in another way of connection, the second Iadea was engine to cold but the problems came also with engine at the right temperature.
1.Have you a different ideas?
2.Somebody had the same problems?
3.It is possiblechange the caps sparkplug in a old style connetion like the photo or something with a connection without top nut?



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Caps sparkplug give problems2 years 6 months ago#86

·         Doug Smith


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Hi Michael,
Missing when the engine is at full power could be caused by a number of things - it is a little hard to know where to start. I assume the spark plugs, distributor caps and rotors have been serviced and replaced correctly; the spark plugs in particular can cause problems if they are used for too many hours.
As always I'd suggest we start with the simple things. I would check the carburettor bowl float level to make sure it's right and the fuel in the bowl to make sure it's clean. The fit of the spark plug caps on to the spark plugs can be tightened by carefully closing up the metal connector in the cap. Section 9.9 of the engine maintenance manual (JEM002-6) has some details. This will fix any issues of the caps being loose; no need to replace them. The other thing to make sure of is that the high tension leads are connecting to the distributor properly - these can sometimes become loose and cause spark issues.
Let me know how you go with those suggestions and if we need to look further. A couple of photos of the engine installation (particularly carburettor and air box) could be useful.
Best Regards,
