Doug Smith
Joined: May 24, 2018
Last seen: Jul 27, 2019
Topics: 0 / Replies: 79
RE: Rouigh running at high RPM under load

I've had rough running on a cross country like that many times which I blame on carby ice: pull carby heat on for a few minutes and it goes away, for ...

6 years ago
RE: Do all 3000's required periodic valve adjustments?

Hi Alex, None of the hydraulic engines require valve clearance adjustment, no. The "Gen" labels can get a little murky on a grandad's-axe engine like...

6 years ago
RE: UV protective polishes, coatings, paints, treatments?

Hi Alex, No experience with any of those, sorry! Our traditional paranoia about paint treatments is that some of them - particularly the ones that are...

6 years ago
6 years ago
RE: Oil Leak on oil feed tube

HI James, It's not unknown for that connection to weep a little, but it shouldn't be a lot. There is an O-Ring in there which - if it was damaged or ...

6 years ago
RE: Rough running on start up

Hi, I've consulted with the engine experts on this one... Original hollow pushrods for early Gen3 roller lifter engines were 207mm. They were progress...

6 years ago
RE: Spark Plug Heat Range

If I've done the sums right, 1.6 oz is about 50ml: which isn't high. Running-on can be caused by a few things... high ambient temps, high idle speed e...

6 years ago
RE: Jabiru Builder in USA

Hi Wayne, Your best bet is to contact our USA aircraft dealer Mr Scott Severen at the following details; Scott may be able to put you in direct conta...

6 years ago
RE: Spark Plug Heat Range

Hi, I can't say that I've experimented with different heat plugs so I'll have to fall back on theory and logic... If overhauling the head didn't stop ...

6 years ago
RE: Rouigh running at high RPM under load

I couldn't name anyone in particular... I've seen dynamic balancing kits that you attach to the prop for a ground run - I think they're not an uncommo...

6 years ago
RE: Rouigh running at high RPM under load

I'd have expected prop resonance to be felt more as a vibration than a miss, but it's not impossible! Yes, there was the odd chance that a lifter migh...

6 years ago
RE: Rouigh running at high RPM under load

Hi, "Slightly" rough running eh? Well it sounds like you're already across all my stock replies so I'll try to be inventive... 1. Sometimes you can ...

6 years ago
RE: Head Bolt Anti-seize

Hi Larry, Loctite C5-A Copper-Based Anti-Seize is recommended. Regards, Doug.

6 years ago
RE: Oil pump assembly instructions

Hi Rob, 518 is a somewhat thicker mix, designed for somewhat rougher surfaces. I think this comes down to personal preference somewhat - the spec she...

6 years ago
RE: 5100 oil system

Hi Roger, No, that should work. You'd have to make up something to block / stop the standard relief port and then to plumb into the rest of the oil s...

6 years ago
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